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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(7); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(7): 839.
졸-겔법의 의한 $SnO_2$ 박막의 제조 및 특성에 관한 연구
윤희한, 황규석, 김병훈
전남대학교 무기재료공학과
A Study on the Preparation and Characteristics of $SnO_2$ Thin Films by the Sol-gel Process
Transparent and conductive SnO2 thin films were coated on soda-lime-silica glass silicon wafer and alumina substrates by the sol-gel process and their properties were investigated. Tin (II) Chloride 2-Hydrate(SnCl2-2H2O) and Ethanol (C2H5OH) were used as raw materials. Thin films were prepared by dip-coating technique with 10cm/min withdrawal speed and heat-treated at 300~80$0^{circ}C$ for 30min. As heat-treating temperature increased transmittance of thin films decreased at visible range but did not change at near-IR range. Transmit-tancce of 1mm glasses coated with 0.1${mu}{textrm}{m}$ SnO2 thin films were above 80% at visible and near-IR ranges. Ultraviolet rays which wavelength is shorter than 300nm were absorbed by thin films. Electrical conducti-vely of thin films increased with the increase of film increased with the increase of film thinckness and measuring temperature,
Key words: $SnO_2$, thin film, Tin chloride, Dip-coating, Transmittance, Electrical canductivity
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