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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(3): 332.
폐 AC용액으로부터 제조된 AUC분말의 특성에 대한 연구
정경채, 김태준, 최종현, 박진호
한국원자력연구소 응용연구그룹
A Study on characteristics of AUC Powder Prepared with the Waste AC Solution
This study was investigated on the recycle feasibility of the waste AC(Ammonium Carbonate) solution produ-ced in a commercial AUC(Ammonium Uranyl Carbonate) conversion plant. AUC particles were produced with the AC solution which was prepared with AC solid-agent instead of ammonia and carbon-dioxide gases. As the results particles of monoclinic shapes has been obtained regardless of the pH change if the carbonate concentration is sufficient in the mother liquore. Also a lot of twinned or aggregated particles were formed in case of the increase of pH in the reaction system but not affected in the change of temperature. Consequen-tly the characteristics of the particles which converted for AUC were produced withAC solution to UO2, particles specific surface area shape sintered density and others were similar to that of the particles which were produced with gases only when the pellets are fabricated in the nuclear fuel manufacturing process So the waste AC solution which is produced in the commercial AUC conversion plant is possible to recycle.
Key words: Waste solution, AUC powder, Ammonium carbonate solution
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