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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(3): 348.
Al 알콕사이드의 가수분해법으로 제조한 알루미나 특성에 대한연구
김유환, 배성렬1
1한양대학교 화학공학과
Characteristics of Alumina Prepared by Hydrolysis of Al-Alkoxide
Al2O3 gel was prepared by hydrolysis of aluminum alkoxide. The prepared Al2O3 gel powder was calcineel at the various temperature in the electric furnace. To investigate thetransition of crystals thermal properties X-ray diffractometry SEM specific surface area by BET nitrogen adsorption FT-IR and TG-DTA technique were employed. Transparent alumina gel was opalized at 120$0^{circ}C$ The alumina gel was transformed along the rising of temperature as follows ; Boehmite (AlOOH) longrightarrow$sigma$-Al2O3longrightarrow$alpha$-Al2O3
Key words: Aluminum alkoxide, Boehmite, $\delta$-alumina, $\theta$-alumina, $\alpha$-alumina
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