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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 32(8); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(8): 873.
전로슬래그를 이용한 Modified Belite Cement의 제조에 관한 연구
박종옥, 김승진1, 박홍수2, 신현택3
국립공업기술원 요업기술원
1한국 건자재 시험연구원
2명지대학교 공과대학 화학공학과
3경상대학교 공과대학 무기재료공학과
A Study on the Preparation of Modified Belite Cement Using Converter Slag
In order to prepare the modified belite (C2S-C4A3S-C4AF-CS) cement with low energy, clinkers were synthesized by converter slag, limestone, gypsum and clay. The synthesized clinkers were characterized and the hydration processes were investigated by XRD, SEM and microconduction calorimetry. The hydrates were mainly C-S-H and ettringite. The needle-like ettringite formed by the hydration of C4A3S at the early stage of hydration was filled in the inner vacant spaces of the hardened body and it might contribute to the rapid-hardening phenomena. The hardened body became stronger due to the hydration of C2S at the later period. The compressive strengths of the cement-3 mortars hydrated for 3, 7 and 28 days were 115, 128 and 211 Kgf/$textrm{cm}^2$, respectively.
Key words: Belite, Converter slag, Gypsum, Ettringite
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