Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(6): 697. |
열기계적으로 연마한 다이아몬드 막의 적외선 투과도 및 표면구조 |
정상기, 최시경, 정대영, 최한메, 권순용 |
한국과학기술원 재료공학과 |
IR Transmittance and Surface Structure of Diamond Film Polished by Thermomechanical Method |
The rough growth surfaces of diamond films fabricated by the hot filament CVD were polished using thermomechanical polishing method. And then, its application to the optical windows was discussed through the measurement of transmittance in the range of infrared radiation and analysis of surfaces structure. The results were compaerd with those of the films polished with conventional mechanicla polishing. The transmittance of the mechanically polished film reached 57~66% over the whole range from 500 to 4000 cm-1. But the transmittance of the film polished with thermomechanical polishing method was reduced below 35%. This decrease in transmittance was due to both the graphitization of diamond on the polished surface and the growth of $beta$-SiC at diamond/Si interface during polishing. The residual Fe in hte thermomechanically polished surface was confirmed by SIMS analysis. This Fe played the role of the graphitization of near surface region of the diamond film. |
Key words:
Diamond film, Thermomechancial polishing, Transmittance, Graphtization, ${\beta}$-SiC |