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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 32(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(2): 239.
Ge-Se-Te계 칼코지나이드 유리의 결정 생성 현상 및 특성
이용우, 허종
포항공과대학교 재료금속공학과 비정질무기재료 연구실
Properties and Crystallization Characteristics of Ge-Se-Te Glasses
Chalcogenide glasses with compositions of Ge10Se90-xTex(X=0~50 at.%) were prepared in order to investigate the effects of Te substitution on the transmission characteristics of Ge-Se glasses in the 8~12 ${mu}{textrm}{m}$ wavelength region. Absorption coefficients were observed to decrease with Te addition, indicating the improved transmission capabilities of Ge-Se-Te glasses as compared to binary Ge-Se glasses. XRD analysis of crystallized glasses suggested the formation of weaker Se-Te and/or Te-Te bonds with addition of Te substituting for Se in stronger Se-Se bonds. Incorporation of Te in excess of 20at% resulted in the formation of hexagonal Te phases when crystallized. It is speculated that the presence of Te-Te bonds with highly metallic bond character resulted in the enhanced crystallization tendencies of glasses. Fromation of Te-rich chains through gradual replacement of Se-Se with Se-Te and/or Te-Te bonds was further supported by decreases in glass transition and crystallization temperatures.
Key words: Chalcogenide glasses, Infrared-transmitting, Crystallization, Structure, Properties
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