Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1995;32(1): 11. |
SHS법에 의한 $Al_2O_3-SiC$ 복합분말의 합성 |
이형민, 이홍림, 이형직1 |
연세대학교 세라믹공학과 1강릉대학교 재료공학과 |
Preparation of $Al_2O_3-SiC$ Composite Powder by SHS Method |
High reaction heat evolved from the oxidation of Al was used to synthesize SiC, which might be difficult to be formed by SHS. Al2O3-SiC composite powder was easily manufactured using KNO3 as an ignition and reaction catalyst. Unreacted Si and C were observed after reaction dependent upon the composition of starting powders, reaction atmosphere and relative densities of compacted bodies. The unreacted carbon could be removed by calcining at $600^{circ}C$ and the remaining Si could be removed by dissolving in NaOH solution. The final powder particles were smaller than 1${mu}{textrm}{m}$ in size. |
Key words:
SHS, $Al_2O_3-SiC$ Composite, Thermite reaction, Thermal conductivity, Propagation velocity |