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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(10); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(10): 1197.
$ZrO_2/NiTi$ 접합부 반응조직에 따른 꺽임강도 및 파괴거동 변화
선문대학교 공과대학 재료공학과
The Variation of Fracture Strength and Modes in $ZrO_2/NiTi$ Bond by Changing Reaction Layer
The fracture strength and fracture modes were studied in 3Y-TZP/NiNi bonding which change their interfacial structure with bonding condition. Average 4-point bending strength of 200 MPa to 400 MPa were achieved. The formation of Ti-oxide phase at the interface critically influenced the bonding strength and fracture mode. The fracture surface of Ti-oxide free interface contained multiphase in some case including ZrO2. From the result it was confirmed that in order to maximize the bonding strength crack deflection from interface to ceramic was required.
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