Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(9): 1030. |
PNN-PT-PZ계 압전세라믹스의 전기적 특성에 미치는 Pyrochlore 상의 영향 |
이기태, 남효덕 |
영남대학교 전자공학과 |
Effect of Pyrochlore Phase on Electric Properties for PNN-PT-PZ Piezoelectric Ceramics |
The ceramics in the system 0.5[Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3]-0.5[0.65PbTiO3-0.35PbZrO3] were prepared by conventional solid state reaction method, double calcined method (columbite precursor method) and flux method using NaCl-KCl. Amount of pyrochlore phase for the calcined powders, sintering charateristrics, dielectric and piezoelectric properties were then investigated. Sintering temperature was 1000~120$0^{circ}C$ and in case of flux method, the amount of flux to oxide was 1 : 1 mole ratio. The dielectric and piezoelectric properties of ceramics prepared by double calcined method and flux method were found to be better than those by conventional method. It was also possible to lower sintering temperature and reduce the amount of pyrochlore phase either by double calcined method or flux method. But with increasing sintering temperature, the difference in characteristrics due to diffrent fabrication method gradually. |