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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(8); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(8): 934.
GRC 제조용 내알칼리성 지르코니아계 고분자 겔섬유에 관한 연구
신대용, 한상목, 김경남, 강위수
강원대학교 재료공학과
Study on the Polymer Gel Fiber of Alkali Resistance Zirconia System for GRC
Fibers of ZrO2-SiO2 system were prepared from the hydrolysis and condensation of Si(OC2H5)4 and Zr(OnC3H7)4 with different H2O/alkoxide molar ratios. It was found that fibers could be drawn in the viscosity range of 1~100 poise from HCl catalyzed solutions with lower water contents of the mole ratio H2O/alkoxide, r 2. The fibrous gels were converted into the corresponding oxide glass fibers by heating at 80$0^{circ}C$. Mechanical test was performed on E, A and 20ZrO2-80SiO2 glass fibers reinforced cement in order to investigate the flexural strength. The flexural strength value of 20ZrO2-80SiO2 glass fibers reinforced cement was greater than those of E and A. The chemical durability of the fibers in alkaline solutions increased with ZrO2 content. The weight loss due to the corrosion by 2N-NaOH solutions at $25^{circ}C$ for 160 hours was about 0.31$times$10-2 mg/dm2 for the 20ZrO2-80SiO2 glass fibers, which was superior to that of Vycor glass.
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