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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(3); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(3): 249.
$BaO-B_2O_3-Nd_2O_3-Al_2O_3$계 고온 용액으로부터 성장된 $NdAl_3(BO_3)_4$ 단결정의 표면구조와 X-선 Topography
정선태, 강진기, 김정환, 정수진
서울대학교 무기재료공학과
Surface Structure and X-ray Topography of $NdAl_3(BO_3)_4$ Single Crystals Grown from High Temperature Solution of $BaO-B_2O_3-Nd_2O_3-Al_2O_3$ System
By surface structure and X-ray topographic observation, growth mechanism of NAB single crystal grown by TSSG technique using a BaB4O7 flux was studied. Surface structure of grown crystals were investigated by optical microscope. Growth history and crystal defects included within grown crystal were investigated using X-ray topography. The {001} faces were grown by 2-D nucleation growth. As decreasing cooling rate, growth mechanism of {111} and {11} was changed from 2-D nucleation growth to the growth by screw dislocation. Only surface striations developed parallel to a-axis were observed on {010} faces. Growth sector of NAB crystals were divided into {001}, {111}, {010}, {021}, {11}. The inclusion which was usually trapped between {001} faces was investigated.
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