양이온교환반응에 의한 Organophilic [RCOOH]-Montmorillonite 층간화합물의 형성과 그 팽윤거동에 관한 연구 |
김종옥, 김택남, 조성준 |
배재대학교 무기재료공학과 |
A Study on the Synthesis of Organophilic Intercalations-complex of [RCOOH]-Montmorillonite and on ItOs Swelling Behavior |
In this research, the organic salt [RCOOH] Br with long alkyl-chain was synthesized, and the organophilic [RCOOH]-Montmorillonite was formed by cation-exchange-reaction between Na-Montmorillonite and synthesized organic salt [RCOOH] Br. After drying of the organophilic [RCOOH]-Montmorillonite at $65^{circ}C$ in high vaccum, the experiments for the probability of forming its complexes with various swelling-solutions as dist, water, methanol, ethanol, acetonitrile, propionitrile, butyronitrile, toluene and n-decanol were performed, and the corresponding basal spacings obtained were 17.44$AA$, 31.86$AA$, 34.38$AA$, 30.37$AA$, 32.39$AA$, 35.04$AA$, 14.16$AA$ and 14.63$AA$ respectively. |