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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 29(12); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(12): 970.
기체분리용 세라믹 복합분리막의 개발 : IV. ${gamma}$-알루미나 분리막의 투과 특성
현상훈, 강범석, 최두진
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Development of Ceramic Composite Membranes for Gas Separation: IV. Permeation Characteristics of ${gamma}$-Alumina Membranes
${gamma}-alumina$ membranes were prepared by sol-gel dip coating or pressurized coating of boehmite sols on slipcasted ${gamma}-alumina$ support tubes. The particle size of sols synthesized via the modified Yoldas-method could be controlled below 5 mn according to the mole ratio of nitric acid/aluminumtri-sec-butoxide (0.07~1.0). The reproducible crack-free composite membranes were produced by the 2nd dip coating or the pressurized coating technique using very stable sols with the particle size of 45 nm. Nitrogen gas permeability through the top-layer in the composite membrane was about $70~55{times}10^{-7};mol/m^2{cdot}s{cdot}Pa$. The thermal stability of the top layer was proved to be good enough upto the heat-treatment temperature of $500^{circ}C$.
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