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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 29(11); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(11): 837.
첨가제 $Al_2O_3$ 및 SiC Whisker가 $Si_3N_3$ 결합 SiC 소결체 특성에 미치는 영향
백용혁, 신종윤, 정종인1, 권양호
전남대학교 무기재료공학과
1삼성전관 연구실
Effect of Al2O3 and SiC Whisker on Sintering and Mechanical Properties of Si3N3 Bonded SiC
SiC and Si mixtures dispersed by 0.5~10.0 wt% of Al2O3 and reinforced by SiC whisker were sintered to Si3N4 bonded SiC bodies at 140$0^{circ}C$ in a N2 gas atmosphere, and the nitridation and mechanical properties of sintered bodies were investigated. From these observation, it is concluded that relative density and bending strength increased with the rising of nitridation and the highest nitridation ratio was obtained for a specimen having 1.5 wt% Al2O3. On the other hand, the amount of $beta$-Si3N4 in the specimens containing Al2O3 more than 5.0 wt% was increased abruptly and the best in fracture toughness was sintered for a composits having 30 wt% SiC whiskers.
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