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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 29(6); 1992 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(6): 451.
저온소결 세라믹 기판용 Cordierite계 결정화유리의 합성 및 특성조사에 관한 연구: (I) $MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2$계 유리분말의 결정화 및 수축거동
이근헌, 김병호, 임대순
고려대학교 재료공학과
Synthesis and Characterization of Cordierite Glass-Ceramics for Low Firing Temperature Substrate: (I) Crystallization and Shrinkage Behavior of $MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2$ Glass Powders
Dense glass-ceramics for low firing temperature substrate were prepared by addition of CeO2 flux to the glass of MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system. Glass powders were fabricated by melting at 150$0^{circ}C$ and ball milling. Glass powder compacts were sintered at 800~100$0^{circ}C$ for 3h. The crystallization and the shrinkage behaviors of glass powder compacts were analyzed by XRD, DTA and TMA. The shrinkage of glass powder compact increased with increasing the amount of CeO2. Because the softening temperature decreased and the crystallization temperature increased with increasing the amount of CeO2. Apparently, addition of CeO2 prevented formation of $mu$-cordierite phase from the glass-ceramics and improved formation of $alpha$-cordierite phase. Therefore crystallization properties were enhanced.
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