Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1992;29(3): 202. |
SHS법에 의한 Ti-B-C계 Ceramics의 합성 및 소결특성 |
이형복, 신동진, 여철현1 |
명지대학교 무기재료공학과 1연세대학교 화학과 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Ti-B-C System Ceramics Prepared by Self-propagating High-Temperature Synthesis Method |
Ti-B-C system ceramics composition were prepaed from the mixture of metal titanium, boron and graphite power by the self-propagating high-temperature synthesis method. The major crystalline phase as a function of boron content was TiC for mixture decreasing boron and TiB2 for these increasing boron. The combustion mode observed by a high-speed camera was steady-state. The combustion velocity increased with increasing the TiB2 product about TiC product. Ti:B:C as 2:2:1 specimen showed, Vicker's hardness of 2412kg/㎟ for 0.5 kg load, three-point flexure strength of 677 MPa and relative density of 98.3% |