Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1991;28(11): 926. |
응집입자가 $BaTiO_3$의 소결거동에 미치는 영향 |
김진호 |
경북대학교 무기재료공학과 |
Effect of Aggregates on the Sintering Behavior of $BaTiO_3$ |
The effect of aggregates on the forming and sintering behaviors of BaTiO3 was studied. Aggregates and deaggregates of fine crystallite were obtained by thermal decomposition of oxalate coprecipitates and subsequently crushing them with a press, respectively. Large voids formed by packing of aggregates were not easily eliminated despite the successive destruction of aggregates with increasing forming pressure. As a result, compacts of aggregates showed inhomogeneity with larger mid-pore size and broader pore size distribution with respect to those of deaggregates. This inhomogeneity caused differential shrinkage and consequental internal stress, which retarded densification. The differential sintering increased the size of mid-pores in the initial stage, and formed duplex structure composed of dense region with abnormally grown grains and porous region with fine grains. The driving force of this abnormal grain growth shown in the specimens of aggregates was attributed to the minimization of the elastic strain energy due to internal stress. |