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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 27(8); 1990 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1990;27(8): 1050.
Floating Zone법에 의한 Rutile($TiO_2$)단결정 육성
신재혁, 강승민, 오근호
한양대학교 무기재료공학과
Growth of Rutile Single Crystal by Floating Zone Method
Rutile(TiO2) single crystals were grown by FZ method. Feed rod was sintered in the longitudinal tube-shaped furnace at 135$0^{circ}C$ and optimum growth condition was growth rate 5-8mm/hr, rotation rate 30-40rpm. When crystal was growing, atomosphere was oxidized condition, and grown single crystal was annealed at 110$0^{circ}C$. The rutile single crystals were oriented to [001] direction and color change of single crystals were related to atmosphere, and difference of electric conductivity and resistance was due to the fact above.
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