Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1988;25(3): 251. |
다공질유리의 이온교환성에 미치는 알루미나의 영향 |
김병호, 이덕열, 김성길 |
고려대학교 재료공학과 |
Effect of Alumina on the Ion-Exchange Capacity of Porous Glasses |
Ion-exchange porous glasses were prepared by heat treatment and subsequently hydro thermalor acid leaching treatment $10Li_2O$.$(90-x)B_2O_3$.$xSiO_2$ base glasses containing various amount of $Al_2O_3$ or $MoO_3$. It was investigated how the phase separation and the cation exchange capacity(CEC) were affected by the addition of $Al_2O_3$ or $MoO_3$. The optimum condition of phase separation in these glasses was about 48$0^{circ}C$ for 10 hrs. The degree of phase separation was rapidly suppressed by the addition of $Al_2O_3$ up to 10 mol% and thereafter suppression effect was decreased. The maximum value of CEC, about 252meq/100g, was observed with the $1OLi_2O$.$45B_2O_3$.$45SiO_2+7.5Al_2O_3$ porous glass prepared by hydrothermal treatment and its mean pore radius was about 16.3A. The addition of $MoO_3$ accelerated phase separation and leaching rate. Looking at the remakable increment of pore diameter and pore volume of these porous glasses by the addition of $MoO_3$, the effect of $MoO_3$ may be ascribed to the lowering of silica concentration in the borate phase and to the forming of water-soluble complex with silica during the leaching treatment. |