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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 24(4); 1987 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1987;24(4): 385.
Tricalcium Silicate의 초기수화반응(III)
오희갑, 최상흘1
1한양대학교 무기재료공학과
Early Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate(III)
Zeta potential according to the hydration time was studied during the early hydration of C3S with and without CO2 atmosphere. Zeta potential was low as a level of 20mV at the first and second exothermic peaks of heat evolution, but it was rapidly increased up to a level of 300mV. In the CO2 atmosphere, zeta potential was level of 60mV at 10 minutes hydration and it's value became a low gradually according to the hydration time. Zeta potential was also proportioned to the Ca2+ concentration in the liquid phase, i.e., there was positive correlation between zeta potential and Ca2+ concentration. The existence of silicate layer was not found out on the hydrated C3S in the CO2 atmosphere by SEM-EDAX.
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