Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1987;24(2): 139. |
제천규석으로부터 제조한 $beta$-SiC분말 및 소결체의 특성 |
이홍림, 신석호, 배철훈, 김무경1 |
연세대학교 공과대학 요업공학과 1국립공업시험원 |
Properties of Powders and Sintered Bodies of $beta$-SiC Prepared from Jecheon Quartzite |
${beta}$-SiC powders were prepared by the simultaneous reduction and carbiding of Jecheon quartzite at 1400$^{circ}C$ for 7 hours in hydrogen atmosphere, using graphite or carbon black as the reducing and carbiding reagent. The prepared SiC powder was acid-treated with the mixture of fluoric acid and hydrochloric acid at room temperature and also by heating on an alcohol lamp for one hour, respectively. The impurities were mostly eliminated and the purity of SiC became 98.5% after hot acid treatment. The specific surface area of SiC powder was also increased up to 115㎡/g by hot acid treatment. This pure and fine SiC powder was hot-pressed at 1900$^{circ}C$ for 30min, using 5wt% Al2O3 as a sintering aid. The density, M.O.R., KIC and hardness of the hot-pressed SiC ceramics were 3.195g/㎤, 48.7Kgf/$textrm{mm}^2$, 5.4MN/㎥/2 and 2,182Kgf/$textrm{mm}^2$, respectively. |