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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 19(4); 1982 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1982;19(4): 267.
$Nb_2O_5$$V_2O_5$의 첨가가 Lithium Ferrite의 소결현상과 B-H Loop 특성에 미치는 영향
김현태, 임호빈
한국과학기술원 재료공학과
Effects of $Nb_2O_5$ and $V_2O_5$ Additions on the Sintering Behavior and B-H Loop Properties of Lithium Ferrite
ed at about 100$0^{circ}C$(d:4.6g/㎤) and 85$0^{circ}C$(d:4.5g/㎤) in the specimens with the addition of $Nb_2O_5$ and $V_2O_5$ respectively. The addition of $Nb_2O_5$ retulted in a large and uniform grain size, and the addition of $V_2O_5$ resulted in a uniform grain size but the final density was lower than that of the pure specimen. The squareness was increased and the coercive force was decreased by the addition of $Nb_2O_5$, and the squareness was decreased and the coercive force was increased by the addition of $V_2O_5$. These effects could be explained by a large and uniform grain size, and by a lower final density of specimens with the addition of $Nb_2O_5$ and $V_2O_5$ respectively.
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