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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 19(4); 1982 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1982;19(4): 300.
PZT 특성에 미치는 불순물의 영향(I)
임응극, 정수진, 김석영
서울대학교 공과대학 요업공학과
Effects of Impurity on Properties of PZT(I)
A new perovskite type compound, (Pb1a-χKy□χ-y) (Zr0.33Ti0.67)O3-χ+y/2 was proposed and synthesized by "Wet-Dry Combination Technique". This defect ferroelectric material was characterized by partial substitutions of K+ for Pb+2 in Pb(Zr0.33Ti0.67)O3. This material was mono-phasic perovskite compound at 800℃ for 1hr., but ZrO2 was more or less isolated from the (Pb1a-χKy□χ-y) (Zr0.33Ti0.67)O3-χ+y/2. As a result, snitering temperature, sintered density, curie temperature, and dielectric constant of test pieces decreased and a-axis was nearly constant, while c-axis gradually decreased with the value x in the region of tetragonal phase of PZT. It was also recognized that the defect structure caused by adding K+ was found in both A-site cation and O-site anion vacancies in the defect PZT.
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