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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 13(4); 1976 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1976;13(4): 20.
자기질 연삭 숫돌에 있어서의 결합제와 결합도에 관한 연구
이종근, 이병하, 오유
한양대학교 요업공학과
Studies on the Bond Materials and Grade for the Vitrified Grinding Wheel
This study was carried out finding out the relation between the bond materials and grade for vitrified abrasive. Composed materials were changwon clay, Anyang feldpar, Chungju Talc, Chongsong pottery stone, Kimchun quartz which were used as raw materials for the favorable abrasive bond. 30 mesh fused white alumina abrasive grain and 60 mesh green silicon carbide abrasive grain were used. 1. The composition of the bonding materials were chosen as the base according to the results of the pill test. 2. Weight of dextrine, bond and forming water were obtained according to the following. formule : $Y_1$=-0.05X+ 1.5 $Y_2=0.16{div}0.2$ where : X=weight % of bond $Y_1$=weight % of dextrine $Y_2$=weight %of water 3. The specimen size was 150 mm diameter by 20mn height cylinder, then the specimen was crossed molding by laboratory press. 4. The specimen was dried at around 100-12$0^{circ}C$ in the automatic controlled electric oven. Firing cycle is following : 20$0^{circ}C$/hr. up to 100$0^{circ}C$ 12$0^{circ}C$/hr. from 100$0^{circ}C$ to 128$0^{circ}C$ soaking time : 3hrs at 128$0^{circ}C$
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