초소형 회로보호용 적층 PTC 써미스터의 출발원료 및 Sr 첨가에 따른 전기적 특성 |
이미재, 김빛남, 황종희, 김진호, 박성철1, 송준백1 |
한국세라믹기술원 전자광소재센터 1(주)이노칩테크놀로지 |
The Electrical Properties of the Laminated PTC Thermistor for Micro Circuit Protection as a Function of Starting Material and Sr Addition |
Mi-Jai Lee, Bit-Nan Kim, Jong-Hee Hwang, Jin-Ho Kim, Seong-Chul Park1, Jun-Baek Song1 |
Electronic Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 1Annexed Research Institute, InnoChips Technology |
We investigated the electrical properties the starting material and sintering condition on the laminated PTC thermistor for micro circuit protection. The influences of $BaTiO_3$ powder with the 0.3 and 0.45 ${mu}m$ size and the electrical characteristics (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ sintered at 1350~1400$^{circ}C$ for 2 h in a reducing atmosphere (1% $H_2/N_2$). The sintered (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ was increased pore and the grain size was decreased according to increasing Sr additions. In relative permittivity, the phase transition temperature of (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ was decreased for 2.5$^{circ}C$ according to increasing 0.01 mole Sr additions, and the phase transition dose not appeared about 0.3 mole Sr addition. The (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ was show the low resistance from 0.01 mole to 0.05 mole by Sr addition, regardless of sintering temperature. The (Ba,Sr)$TiO_3$ was show $10^2$ jump order at 0.1 and 0.2 mole Sr addition, and PTCR of the sintered $(Ba_{0.7}Sr_{0.3})TiO_3$ does not appeared about 0.3 mole Sr addition, regardless of the sintering temperature and starting material size. |
Key words:
PTC, Micro, Circuit protection, Laminate, (BaSr)$TiO_3$ |