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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(5); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(5): 445.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.5.445
폐유리를 재활용한 인공경량골재의 발포기구
강신휴, 이기강
경기대학교 신소재공학과
Bloating Mechanism of Artificial Lightweight Aggregate for Recycling the Waste Glass
Shin-Hyu Kang, Ki-Gang Lee
Department of Advanced Material Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University
The purpose of this study is to improve recycling rate of the waste glasses by investigating bloating mechanism. In this study, we use waste glass(W/G) and hard clay(H/C) as raw materials. The artificial lightweight aggregates were formed by plastic forming($phi$=10 mm) and sintered by fast firing method at different temperatures(between 700 and $1250^{circ}C$). The physical properties of the aggregates such as bulk specific gravity, adsorption and microstructure of surface and cross-section are investigated with the sintering temperature and rate of W/G-H/C contents. As the result of the bulk specific gravity graphs, we can found out the inflection point at content of W/G 60 wt%. From the microstructure images, we considered the artificial lightweight aggregates content of W/ G over 60wt% are distributed numerous micro-pores by organic oxidation without Black Core and the artificial lightweight aggregates of W/G below 60 wt% are distributed macro-pores with Black Core.
Key words: Waste glass, Hard clay, Artificial lightweight aggregate, Recycle, Bloating mechanism
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