819 |
Activated Carbons as Electrode Materials in Electric Double-Layer Capacitors I. Electrochemical Properties of Activated Carbons in Relation to their Porous Structures and Surface Oxygen Functional Groups
Chang-Hee Kim, Su-Il Pyun
827 |
On the Chemical Diffusion Coefficient of H2O in AB1-xBxO(3-x/2)-type Perobskites
Hyun-Deok Baek, Anil V. Virkar
832 |
Effect of Silicon Nitride Whisker Content on the Flexural Strength of Silicon Nitride-Boron Nitride-Silicon Carbide Multi-Layer Composites
Dong-Soo Park, Byung-Wook Cho
837 |
Fabrication of Duplex Ceramic Composites by Organic-Inorganic Solution Process
Sang-Jin Lee, Youn-Cheol Kim
842 |
Photoeletrochemical Properties of α-Fe2O3 Film Deposited on ITO Prepared by Cathodic Electrodeposition
이은호, 주오심, 정광덕, 최승철
849 |
Low Temperature Thermoelectric Power Properties in La2.1Sr1.9Mn3O10 System
855 |
Effect of Annealing for YIG Single Crystal Thick Films
김근영, 윤석규, 김용탁, 이성문, 윤대호
859 |
Hydration Properties of 3CaO.3A12O3.CaSO4.CaSO4ㆍ2H2O - Ca(OH)24 - 3CaO.Al2O3 System
배승훈, 송종택
867 |
Effect of h-BN Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Si3N4
김승현, 이영환, 조원승, 김준규, 조명우, 이은상, 이재형
874 |
Effect of h-BN Content on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AIN Ceramics
이영환, 김준규, 조원승, 조명우, 이은상, 이재형
881 |
Wear Behavior of Alumina-glass Composites Prepared by Melt Infiltration
886 |
Surface Morphology and Characteristics of LiNbO3 Single Crystal by Helicon Wave Plasma Etching
박우정, 양우석, 이한영, 윤대호
891 |
Fabrication and Properties of Reaction Bonded SiC Hot Gas Filter Using Si Melt Infiltration Method
황성식, 김태우
897 |
Sulfating Reaction of Coal Fly Ash and Microwave Extraction of Aluminum Ions
박영증, 박영민, 양태영, 윤석영, 박홍채
902 |
Synthesis and Characterization of Au/TiO2 Nanoparticles with Core-shell Structure
유연태 , Paul Mulvaney
909 |
Annealing Temperature Dependence on Anodizing Properties of ZrO2/Al Films Prepared by Sol-gel Method
박상식, 이병택
916 |
Phase Separation of Gd-doped UO2 and Measurement of Gd Content Dissolved in Uranium Oxide
김건식, 양재호, 송근우, 김길무