1 |
Bibliographical Review on Inorganic Lithium Ion Conductors
Lian-Xing He, Han-Ill Yoo
12 |
Magnetization of Ultrafine Cadmium Ferrite Particles
Eun-Jung Park
16 |
Electrical Characteristics of (BaSr)TiO3-based PTCR Devices under the Electric Field
Joon-Hyung Lee, Sang-Hee Cho
21 |
Effect of Abnormal Grain Growth and Heat Treatment on Electrical Properties of Semiconducting BaTiO3Ceramics
Joon-Hyung Lee, Sang-Hee Cho
26 |
Influence of Nd2O3 Addition to 0.3CaTiO3-0.7(Li1/2Nb1/2)TiO3 on their Microwave Dielectric Properties
김범수, 박일환, 윤상옥, 김경용
33 |
Luminescence Property of SrAl2O4:Eu2+ Powder Prepared by the Polymerized Complex Method
김선혜, 심광보, 강은태, 정덕수, 김창삼
38 |
Dispersion Stability of Rutile TiO2Powder Obtained by Homogeneous Precipitation Process at Low Temperature
배현숙, 박순동, 김흥희, 이창규, 김선재
45 |
Densification Behavior of Reaction-Bonded Silicon Nitride Prepared by Using Coarse Si Powders
이주신, 문지훈, 한병동, 박동수, 김해두
51 |
Effect of Starting Material for MgG on the Mechanical Properties of Alumina Ceramics
조용익, 정상귀, 조성용, 김승재
57 |
Bone Cements in TTCP, DCPA, β-TCP and PHA System
김형준, 최성철, 석준원, Rainer Telle
68 |
Sintering and Dielectric Characteristics of LaAlO3 Ceramics by Mechanochemical Treatment from La2O3-A12O3 and La2O3-Al(OH)3
최상수, 조정호, 김강언, 정수태, 조상희
74 |
Preparations of PZT Ceramic by Solution Combustion Synthesis
이상진, 윤존도, 권혁보, 전병세
79 |
Friction and Wear Properties of Plasma-sprayed Cr2O3-MoO3Composite Coatings at Room Temperature
여인웅, 안효석, 임대순
86 |
Effect of the Pore Structure on the Anodic Property of SOFC
허장원, 이동석, 이종호, 김재동, 김주선, 이해원, 문주호
92 |
Effect of Asymmetric Electrode Structure on Electron Emission of the Pb(Zr0.8Ti0.2)O3 Ferroelectric Cathode
박지훈, 김용태, 윤기현, 김태희, 박경봉
99 |
Early Hydration of Portland Cement-Blast furnace Slag System by Impedance Techniques
송종택, 김훈상, 황인수