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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(6); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(6): 554.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.6.554
열차폐코팅용 GdO1.5-ZrO2계 희토류 지르코네이트 세라믹스의 상형성과 열물리 특성
김선주, 이원준, 권창섭, 이성민, 오윤석, 김형태, 임대순1, 김성원
한국세라믹기술원 이천분원 엔지니어링세라믹팀
1고려대학교 신소재공학과
Phase Formation and Thermo-physical Properties of GdO1.5-ZrO2 System for Thermal Barrier Coating Application
Sun-Joo Kim, Won-Jun Lee, Chang-Sup Kwon, Sung-Min Lee, Yoon-Suk Oh, Hyung-Tae Kim, Dae-Soon Im1, Seongwon Kim
Engineering Ceramic Team, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University
Gadolinium zirconate, $Gd_2Zr_2O_7$, is one of the most promising candidates for replacing yttira-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) in thermal barrier coating (TBC) applications due to its low thermal conductivity and chemical stability at high temperature. In this study, rare-earth zirconate ceramics in the $GdO_{1.5}-ZrO_2$ system with reduced gadolinia contents were fabricated via solid-state reaction as well as hot-pressing at $1800^{circ}C$. The phase formation, microstructure, and thermo-physical properties of these oxides were examined. The potential application of $GdO_{1.5}-ZrO_2$ ceramics for TBC was also discussed.
Key words: Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs), Gadolinium zirconate, Phase formation, Thermo-physical properties
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