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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(5); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(5): 459.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.5.459
Sol-gel 법으로 합성된 SiC-C 복합분말을 사용하여 제조된 Si-SiC의 기계적 특성 및 전기저항 특성
윤성일, 조경선, 염미래, 임대순1, 박상환
한국과학기술연구원 계면제어연구센터
1고려대학교 신소재공학과 나노복합재료 및 표면공학 연구실
Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Si-SiC Fabricated Using SiC-C Composite Powders Synthesized by Sol-gel Process
Sung Il Youn, Gyung Sun Cho, Mi Rae Youm, Dae Soon Lim1, Sang Whan Park
Interface Control Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea University
In this study, Si-SiC composites were fabricated using a Si melt infiltration method using ${beta}$-SiC/C composite powders synthesized by the carbothermal reduction of $SiO_2-C$ precursors made from a TEOS and a phenol resin. The purity of the synthesized SiC-C composite powders was higher than 99.9993 wt% and the average particle size varied from 4 to $6{mu}m$ with increasing carbon contents of the $SiO_2-C$ precursors. It was found that the Si-SiC composites fabricated in this study consist of ${beta}$-SiC and residual Si, without any trace of ${alpha}$-SiC. The 3-point bending strengths of the fabricated Si-SiC composites were measured and found to be higher than 550 MPa, although the density of the fabricated Si-SiC composite was less than $2.9g/cm^3$. The bending strengths and the densities of the fabricated Si-SiC composites were found to decrease with increasing C/Si mole ratios in the SiC-C composite powders. The specific resistivities of the Si-SiC composites fabricated using the SiC-C composite powders were less than $0.018{Omega}cm$. With increasing C content in the SiC-C composite powders used for the fabrication of Si-SiC composites, the specific resistivity of the Si-SiC composites was found to slightly increase from 0.0157 to $0.018{Omega}cm$.
Key words: Si-SiC composite, RBSC, Silicon carbide, Bending strength, Specific resistivity
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