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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(5); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(5): 453.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.5.453
SiCf/SiC 복합체의 화학기상침착 거동에 미치는 권선 구조와 침착 변수의 영향
김대종, 고명진, 이현근, 박지연, 김원주
한국원자력연구원 원자력소재개발부
Influence of Winding Patterns and Infiltration Parameters on Chemical Vapor Infiltration Behaviors of SiCf/SiC Composites
Daejong Kim, Myoungjin Ko, Hyeon-Geun Lee, Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim
Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
SiC and its composites have been considered for use as nuclear fuel cladding materials of pressurized light water reactors. In this study, a $SiC_f$/SiC composite as a constituent layer of SiC triplex fuel cladding was fabricated using a chemical vapor infiltration (CVI) process in which tubular SiC fiber preforms were prepared using a filament winding method. To enhance the matrix density of the composite layer, winding patterns, deposition temperature, and gas input ratio were controlled. Fiber arrangement and porosity were the main parameters influencing densification behaviors. Final density of the composites decreased as the SiC fiber volume fraction increased. The CVI process was optimized to densify the tubular preforms with high fiber volume fraction at a high $H_2$/MTS ratio of 20 at $1000^{circ}C$; in this process, surface canning of the composites was effectively retarded.
Key words: Silicon carbide, Composite, Filament winding, Chemical vapor infiltration, Nuclear fuel cladding
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