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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(5); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(5): 418.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.5.418
TRISO 입자를 포함하는 SiC 복합소결체의 소결 및 특성 평가
이현근, 김대종, 박지연, 김원주
한국원자력연구원 원자력소재개발부
Sintering and Characterization of SiC-matrix Composite Including TRISO Particles
Hyeon-Geun Lee, Daejong Kim, Ji Yeon Park, Weon-Ju Kim
Nuclear Materials Development Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institue
Fully ceramic micro encapsulated (FCM) nuclear fuel is a concept recently proposed for enhancing the stability of nuclear fuel. FCM nuclear fuel consists of tristructural-isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles within a SiC matrix. Each TRISO fuel particle is composed of a $UO_2$ kernel and a PyC/SiC/PyC tri-layer which protects the kernel. The SiC ceramic matrix is created by sintering. In this FCM fuel concept, fission products are protected twice, by the TRISO coating layer and by the SiC ceramic. The SiC ceramic has proven attractive for fuel applications owing to its low neutron-absorption cross-section, excellent irradiation resistivity, and high thermal conductivity. In this study, a SiC-matrix composite containing TRISO particles was sintered by hot pressing with $Al_2O_3-Y_2O_3$ additive system. Various sintering conditions were investigated to obtain a relative density greater than 95%. The internal distribution of TRISO particles within the SiC-matrix composite was observed using an x-ray radiograph. The fracture of the TRISO particles was investigated by means of analysis of the cross-section of the SiC-matrix composite.
Key words: FCM nuclear fuel, SiC ceramic, TRISO particle, Hot pressing
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