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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(6): 625.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.6.625
SiC 필러 함량이 탄소 함유 Polysiloxane으로부터 제조된 고기공률 탄화규소 세라믹스의 미세조직과 꺾임강도에 미치는 영향
엄정혜, 김영욱, 송인혁1
서울시립대학교 신소재공학과
1재료연구소 엔지니어링세라믹연구그룹
Effect of SiC Filler Content on Microstructure and Flexural Strength of Highly Porous SiC Ceramics Fabricated from Carbon-Filled Polysiloxane
Jung-Hye Eom, Young-Wook Kim, In-Hyuck Song1
Functional Ceramics Laboratory, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of Seoul
1Engineering Ceramics Group, Korea Institute of Materials Science
Highly porous silicon carbide (SiC) ceramics were fabricated from polysiloxane, SiC and carbon black fillers, AlN-$Y_2O_3$ additives, and poly (ether-co-octene) (PEOc) and expandable microsphere templates. Powder mixtures with a fixed PEOc content (30 wt%) and varying SiC filler contents from 0-21 wt% were compression-molded. During the pyrolysis process, the polysiloxane was converted to SiOC, the PEOc generated a considerable degree of interconnected porosity, and the expandable microspheres generated fine cells. The polysiloxane-derived SiOC and carbon black reacted and synthesized nano-sized SiC with a carbothermal reduction during a heat-treatment. Subsequent sintering of the compacts in a nitrogen atmosphere produced highly porous SiC ceramics with porosities ranging from 78 % to 82 % and a flexura lstrength of up to ~7 MPa.
Key words: Porous ceramics, Silicon carbide, Porosity, Strength, Compression molding
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