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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(6): 518.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.6.518
노즐 낙하법으로 제조한 히알루론산 다공성 마이크로비드의 가교온도에 따른 팽윤특성
김영훈, 이인규, 김진태1, 박주현1, 이득용1
항공대학교 재료공학과
1대림대학교 재료정보학과
Dependence of Crosslinking Temperature on Swelling Behavior of Hyaluronic Acid Porous Microbeads Synthesized by a Modified Spray Method
Young-Hun Kim, In-Kyu Lee, Jin-Tae Kim1, Ju-Hyun Park1, Deuk Yong Lee1
Department of Materials Engineering, Korea Aerospace University
1Department of Materials Engineering, Daelim University
Hyaluronic acid (HA) microbeads were synthesized by dropping 0.5 wt% of sodium hyaluronate dissolved in NaOH into 0.2 vol% of divinyl sulfone dissolved in 2-methyl-1propanol at a speed of 0.005 ml/min. HA microbeads were collected from a divinyl sulfone crosslinker solution stirred at 200 to 400 rpm for 5 h at temperatures from room temperature to $60^{circ}C$ at intervals of $10^{circ}C$. The crosslinked microbeads were then cleaned thoroughly using distilled water and ethanol. SEM results revealed that the microbeads were white-colored spheres. The 3-D porous network structure of the microbeads became dense with an increase in the crosslinking temperature; however, no dependence of the crosslinking temperature on the microbead size was detected. The extent of swelling decreased from 970% to 670% with an increase in the crosslinking temperature from room temperature to $60^{circ}C$, most likely due to the increase in the degree of crosslinking.
Key words: Hyaluronic acid(HA), Microbeads, Crosslinking temperature, Swelling
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