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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(5); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(5): 290.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.5.290
BaR0.5+xTa0.5-xO3-δ (R=희토류 금속)계 Proton 전도체 특성에 미치는 수분의 영향
최순목, 서원선, 정성민, 김신1, 이홍림2
1강릉대학교 세라믹공학과
2연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Humidity Effect on the Characteristics of the Proton Conductor Based on the BaR0.5+xTa0.5-xO3-δ (R=Rare Earth) System
Soon-Mok Choi, Won-Sun Seo, Seong-Min Jeong, Shin Kim1, Hong-Lim Lee2
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
1Department of Ceramic Engineering, Kangnung National University
2Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University
$AB'_{0.5}B"_{0.5}O_3$ type complex perovskite structures which have been reported as proton conductors over $600^{circ}C$ were studied. The $AB'_{0.5}B"_{0.5}O_3$ type complex perovskite structure is known to be more easily synthesized and has better stability than normal $ABO_3$ perovskite structure. And it is stable at about $800^{circ}C$ in the $CO_2$ atmosphere, whereas the $BaCeO_3$ perovskite is easily decomposed into carbonate. In addition, this $AB'_{0.5}B"_{0.5}O_3$ type complex perovskite structure could simply produce oxygen vacancies within their structure not by introducing additional doping oxides but by just controling the molar ratio of $B'^{+3}$ and $B"^{+5}$ metal ions in the B site. Hence it is easy to design the structure which shows highly sensitive electrical conductivity to humidity. In this study, the single phase boundary of $BaR_{0.5+x}Ta_{0.5-x}O_{3-{delta}}$(R = rare earth) complex perovskite structures and it's phase stability were investigated with changes in composition, x. And the humidity dependance of electrical conductivity at different $P_{H2O}$ conditions was investigated.
Key words: Complex perovskite, Proton conductor, Oxygen vacancy, Electrical conductivity
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