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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(3); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(3): 148.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.3.148
Characterization of Glass Melts Containing Simulated Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
Hyun-Su Jung, Ki-Dong Kim, Seung-Heon Lee, Sung-Ku Kwon, Cheon-Woo Kim1, Jong-Kil Park1, Tae-Won Hwang1, Zou-Sam Ahn2
Department Materials Science and Engineering, Kunsan National University
1Nuclear Environment Technology Institute, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd.
2Center for High-Rate Nanomanufacturing
In order to examine the process parameters for the vitrification of Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (LILW) generated from nuclear power plants, measurements of several melt properties was performed for four selected glasses containing simulated waste. Electrical conductivity and viscosity were determined at temperatures ranging from 1123 to $1673^{circ}C$. The temperature dependences of both properties in the molten state showed a similar behavior in which their values decrease as the temperature increases. The values of the electrical conductivity and viscosity at a temperature of 1423K adopted in an induction cold crucible melter process were $0.27{sim}0.42$ S/cm and $9.8{sim}42$ dPas, respectively.
Key words: Vitrification, Low and intermediate level radioactive waste, Viscosity, Electrical conductivity, Induction cold crucible melter
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