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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 39(3); 2002 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2002;39(3): 308.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2002.39.3.308
수열법에 의한 저온 결정형 지르코니아 나노 분말의 제조
노희진, 이종국, 서동석1, 황규홍2
조선대학교 금속${\cdot}$재료공학부, B.K 21, 핵심분야 지능재료 개발 및 산업화 사업단
1서울대학교 재료공학부
2경상대학교 재료공학부
Preparation of Zirconia Nanocrystalline Powder by the Hydrothemal Treatment at low Temperature
Hee-Jin Noh, Jong-Kook Lee, Dong-Seok Seo1, Kyu-Hong Hwang2
Division of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Chosun University, B.K 21, Development of Intelligent Materials & Its Application
1School of Materials Engineering, Seoul National University
2Department of Materials Engineering, Gyeongsang National University
The nanocrystalline zirconia powder was synthesized from the zirconium hydroxide precipitate by hydrothermal process with the reaction temperature range 100∼250$^{circ}$C, reaction time 1∼48 hours and additive concentration 1, 5 N NaOH solutions. The lower hydrothermal treatment temperature, the inner spherical tetragonal zirconia was synthesized. The fraction of monoclinic phase zirconia with rod shape increased with increasing the hydrothermal treatment temperature. As the concentration of the NaOH solution increases, the synthesized particle in breadth and length increased; breadth and length ratio decreased. In the case of the low concentration of NaOH solution, however, the particle length became relatively larger than its breadth resulting in the rod-shaped particles with bigger aspect ratio.
Key words: ZrO$_2$, Nanocrystalline, Rod shape, NaOH solution, Hydrothermal treatment
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