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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(12); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(12): 1373.
다층 세라믹스의 소결 수축율에 대한 Binder Burnout 온도의 영향
성재석, 구기덕1, 윤종광1
연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Effects of Binder Burnout Temperatures on Sintering Shrinkage of Multilayer Ceramics
Change of sintering shrinkage in alumina-based multilayer ceramics was observed in various lamination condi-tions and binder burnout (BBO) temperatures. It was found that the linear shrinkages in X and Y directions were nearly the same with the BBO temperatures but a large shrinkage difference in Z direction was observed. However this phenomenon was diminished when BBO temperature was increased. A linear relationship between the laminated density and the sintering shrinkage was found and the slope was independant on the BBO temperature but dependant on the shrinkage direction.
Key words: Multilayer ceramics, Alumina, Shrinkage, Binder burnout
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