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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(10); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(10): 1177.
Y-TZP/Ce-TZP 구조세라믹스의 제조 및 특성연구
이종현, 이윤복, 김영우1, 오기동, 박흥채
부산대학교 무기재료공학과
Fabrication and Characteristics of Y-TZP/Ce-TZP Structural Ceramics
Y-TZP/Ce-TZP ceramics having relative sintered densities of>95% average grain sizes of 0.36$mutextrm{m}$ microhar-dness of 1150 kg/mm2 fracture strength of 390-830 MPa and toughness of 6.4-10.2 MPa$.$mm1/2 were prepared by conventional sintering of 3 mol% Y2O3-ZrO2 and 12 mol% CeO2-ZrO2 powders at 1400 and 1500$^{circ}C$ The average grain sizes of Y-TZP/Ce-TZP ceramics were mainly governed by those of Ce-TZP. White increasing Ce-TZP content toughness increased while microhardness and fracture strength decreased. With comparing microhardness and toughness fracture strength was more sensitive on not only grain size but also other factors such as microstructural and compositional variations. The densification of Y-TZP/Ce-TZP cermaics was not greatly affected by composition and soaking time at temperature over 1400$^{circ}C$ With increasing CE-TZP content the stability of t-ZrO2 decreased under thermal aging in air whereas increased in hydrothermal atmosphere and aqueous solution.
Key words: Y-TZP/Ce-TZP ceramics, Relative sintered densities, Average grain sizes, Microhardness, Fracture strength, Toughness, Stability of t-ZrO2
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