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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 31(10); 1994 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1994;31(10): 1099.
알루미나 세라믹스의 R-curve 분석
김성진, 손기선, 이성학, 백성기
포항공과대학교 재료·금속공학과
R-curve Analysis of Alumina Ceramics
It is suggested that the microstructural toughening process in the initial rising portion of R-curves observed in polycrystalline alumina should be different from the grain bridging mechanism identified in the long crack regime. Microcracking in the advancing crack front seems to be a prerequisite for the development of unbroken bridging ligaments behind the crack tip. In order to test such a proposition, attempts were made to identify experimentally the presence of microcracks in the frontal zone of propagating cracks. In-situ observation is made of crack growth in a miniature double cantilever beam specimen of a average grain size of 10 ${mu}{textrm}{m}$ alumina. Presence of a few microcracks was identified in front of crack tip on the propagating crack plane. The R-curves were re-evaluated based on the observation.
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