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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(4); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(4): 367.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.4.367
SOFC anode용 나노구형 Ni(1-x)-M(x=0~0.15)(M=Co, Fe) alloy 분말 합성 및 그 특성
이민진, 최병현, 지미정, 안용태, 홍선기, 강영진, 황해진1
한국세라믹기술원 전자소재팀
1인하대학교 신소재공학과
Synthesis and Characterization of Spherical Nano Ni(1-x)-M(x=0~0.15)(M=Co, Fe) Alloy Powder for SOFC Anode
Min-Jin Lee, Byung-Hyun Choi, Mi-Jung Ji, Young-Tae An, Sun-Ki Hong, YoungJin Kang, Hae-Jin Hwang1
Electronic Materials Team, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology
1Advanced Materials Engineering, Inha University
In this study, the reducing agent hydrazine and precipitator NaOH were used with $NiCl_2$ as a starting material in order to compound Ni-based material with spherical nano characteristics; resulting material was used as an anode for SOFC. Synthetic temperature, pH, and solvent amounts were experimentally optimized and the synthesis conditions were confirmed. Also, a 0 ~ 0.15 mole ratio of metal(Co, Fe) was alloyed in order to increase the catalyst activation performance of Ni and finally, spherical nano $Ni_{(1-x)}-M_{(x=0{sim}0.15)}$(M = Co, Fe) alloy materials were compounded. In order to evaluate the catalyst activation for hydrocarbon fuel, fuel gas(10%/$CH_4$+10%/Air) was added and the responding gas was analyzed with GC(Gas Chromatography). Catalyst activation improvement was confirmed from the 3% hydrogen selectivity and 2.4% methane conversion rate in $Ni_{0.95}-Co_{0.05}$ alloy; those values were 4.4% and 19%, respectively, in $Ni_{0.95}-Fe_{0.05}$ alloy.
Key words: Solid oxide fuel cell, Spherical nano nickel, Catalytic activity, Hydrogen selectivity, Methane conversion, Solution process
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