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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 41(9); 2004 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2004;41(9): 684.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2004.41.9.684
카올린으로부터 고분자 젤법에 의한 알루미나 나노입자의 마이크로파 합성
박성수, 황채호, 김지경1, 김동현1, 이상근1, 박희찬1
부경대학교 응용화학공학부
1부산대학교 재료공학부
Microwave Synthesis of Alumina Nanoparticles by Polymer Gel Method from Kaolin
Seong-Soo Park, Chae-Ho Hwang, Ji-Kyung Kim1, Dong-Hyun Kim1, Sang-Gun Lee1, Hee-Chan Park1
Hexagonal sheet typed $alpha$-Al$_2$O$_3$ nano particles were synthesized successfully at various conditions with the aluminum sulfate solution extracted from kaolin through the conventional and microwave assisted polyacrylamide (PAA) gel methods. Shorter gel time and higher yield were obtained in the microwave assisted PAA gel method, compared to conventional method. the size of nano particles was not changed by increasing the concentration of aluminum sulfate, but decreased with increasing the concentration of cross-linking agent in both the conventional and microwave samples. Above 0.01M concentration of cross-linking agent, the sizes of nano particles in the microwave samples were relatively larger than those in the conventional samples.
Key words: Nano powder, PAA, Gel, $\alpha$-$Al_2$$O_3$, Conventional Microwave
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